A downloadable snoozy's sandbox alpha for Windows

this game is well...a sandbox

for now you can :

wasd to move

up to stand up, down is to crouch

space to jump

t to spawn an object(only sphere for now)

press the left mouse button while looking at the object to hold it

press j to let go of the ovject

escape key to fuck off

r to restad

have fun and tell me what do you want me to add:)

this game was made in the blender game engine (not upbge) 2.77

--new update 0.2--

-you can drive a car that can be found in the tower

 -press e on it to drive it, press again to exit the car

-changed the map and made the athmosphere darker and added a cave

-you can press g to add a little bally

 -don't trust her, she will follow you and kill you

 -colliding with it will result in the game restarding

-from now on, you need to press p while looking at an object to pick it up,pressing p again to drop it(doesn't work with bally and glitchy)

-the cave for now doesn't lead to nowhere,but soon will...

-you now equipt a flashlight since well....night

have fun!!


snoozy's sandbox 0.1
snoozy's sandbox 0.2

Install instructions

download the zip from the media fire link

open the zip and run the .exe that has the blender icon

have fun

if it didn't work, tell me the problem and ill fix it

Development log